Monday, February 25, 2013

The Educated Runner

When I first started my program back in January 2012, I dubbed it 'running school' in order to simplify the training program description to others who didnt really know or care to know what it was.  Indeed, I did consider it 'school' as I was 'learning' how to run.  Never before had I known there was a proper 'way' to run. Fast forward more than a year later and I'm still learning.  While training for the half marathon, it seems that every single run I'm experiencing something new to figure out.

This week I learned about the dreaded Garmin Battery fail. I could throw things at myself for being dumb.  I failed to even check the battery level of my beloved Garmin and it died 2 miles before finishing.  damndamndamn.  Oh well. 
One week it was the bitter cold, one week it was a gastro-intestinal war, one week is was extreme hunger, dead batteries, sand in the shoes, more fuel needed, skipped bathroom God, it never ever ends, does it!? 
But overall, it's a bit exciting.  With more experience and more knowledge, the more I delve into the world of runners, the more I learn.  There's still a lot to experience, there's still a lot to see, learn and do. 

I've been reading so much on running lately and while some of it's just auto-biographies, useful, practical tips, some of it is just...mind blowing.  In Born To Run, there's a section on UltraRunning, a 100 mile race.  My God.  100 miles?  And all the while, I'm terribly impressed with my 9 miles thus far.  'Oy.
I'm loving The Rules of Running while it's a bit on the comedy side, it's actually got some good tips, likely that which won't be seen in the likes of  " Runners World"  Discussions of farting, blowing snot rockets, and the like.  The real stuff.  It's a fun read thus far with some excellent suggestions. 

Between the experience, the coaching, the upped mileage, the peeps, the books on sports psychology, practical tips, autobiographies of 'been there, done that' and more, I love learning about the sport.  As someone who loved college, school in general and a self professed book nerd, this is one more arena of learning I'm loving. 

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