Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No One Cares? Really?

I've seen it twice now.  The statement that no one ( or at least non-runners) don't care about your latest PR, your latest mileage increase.  None of it. 
Really?   God, that's so sad!

But I find it's true.  Even when people appear to be interested, they seemingly stop listening, walk away or get that far away 'im now thinking of puppies' look.  Yesterday, I had someone at work ask how the latest 7 miles was.  When I started to say " It was tough, but I did it." too late, already gone by the time the word 'tough' got out of my mouth.  Almighty then.  Moving on. 

I've noticed this kind of thing before, so I try to be very very cautious not to bring it up where I don't think it's welcome information.   In the office, for example, I don't bring it up, unless someone asks.  But that's when I notice it, I'd kinda like to yell at them  If you don't want to know, DON'T ASK!  Is that not obvious? 

I guess it can go along the same lines as asking about a new baby or puppy or new home construction.  But common sense would tell me, if you aren't interested, don't ask for crying out loud.  It's kind of a "don't ask, don't tell" thing, I suppose. 

A part of me gets disappointed in this truth, because I'm one who needs to toot my own horn.  Just a bit, here and there, because the more I say it, the more even I believe it.  Sometimes it's just nice to hear that "good job"  even if you know they don't mean it.  It's not that I look for validation for the running that I do, but if I'm being honest here, I'm impressed with myself some days.  I often fear I'm truly a lazy person at heart so even that slow 2 miler is impressive to me some days.  I'm proud of myself.  I want to shout from the rooftops " Hey! I wasn't lazy today!" 

Talking to other runners for me, some days is even worse.  That mighty marathoner who runs at the speed of light will say "hey that's a good start"  when discussing your latest 6 mile feat that nearly killed you.  A good start?  No, this is a lifelong achievement that will be on my tombstone, thank you very much.  Sigh.  Then there's the beginner who can't relate.  A one miler seems impossible, so a 6 miler may as well be a 120 miler.  I suppose it's all relative. 

Overall, no, the outsider opinion, validation, encouragement shouldn't be needed.  For some, it is.  Some days it's what we need to give us a push.  When it's not there, it's not there.  Nothing we can do about it, except press on and keep that little secret to yourself. When remembering my little 'secret' about my new found and increasing abilities, I find it  gives me a boost, a push and a reason to hold my head a little higher. 

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