For years now, I've been watching an elderly gentleman do what appears to be a daily trek to the nearby McDonald's pick up some breakfast and head back home. I'd say he's walking, but I'm not sure what he does is actual walking. More like an 'older guys shuffle'. I've watched him for years, and it makes my heart smile that at his advanced age ( I'm going to guess 80 years plus) he still does it. Over the years his shuffle hasn't changed much, but I know he's aged, that's inevitable. Some days, in the cool weather, it almost looks downright painful for him to be out, but he has a bag of breakfast in his hand and he shuffles along anyway. I always imagine he's got an elderly wife at home and he brings her breakfast every morning.
Last week towards the end of my morning bike ride, I passed him. This was the closest I'd ever gotten to him and I slowed to say " good morning, sir". He paused, turned and smiled at me with a surprisingly loud and strong voice to say " good morning" back. It shocked me, to be honest. I never would have imagined his voice to be that strong and loud, given his age.
The lesson I learned that day should have been well ingrained in my mind, but it wasn't. No matter what condition our bodies are in, it's no match for what might be going on inside. Our hearts, our minds and our inner beings can be oh so different that what the world sees.
Does your inside match your outside? What's your voice within say to you?
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