Sunday, September 30, 2012

So What Does A Runner Look Like Anyway?

I was asked to do a recruiting event for running school at a health fair.  Okay, I can do that.  As one who usually doesn't shut up about things I like, I'm the perfect candidate.  So here I am, partnered with a running school coach I'd not met before and we did our best to explain and sell the program.  To be honest, this program doesn't need much selling.  If people were to experience it once, chances are they'd really like it.  It's affordable, it's not terribly time consuming, it's non-competitive, it can work for everyone.  Literally. 
One individual stopped by the booth to ask a few questions.  He looked at me, then at my co-recruiter and said "well you actually LOOK like a runner"  She confirmed that yes, she was a runner. 
Then it occurred to me.  Was that a slight slam on me?  No, I guess it's true, I don't look like a runner, but I consider myself one.  I have three races under my belt, I know the proper form, I've been doing this for nine months, yeah, I'm a runner too!
To be honest, I wasn't offended at that ( well, maybe a little) but in reality, I get it.  I know what I look like.  While it's not easy to admit, I will say it:  I don't really look like a runner.  I'm still fat, I get that.  I still have a tummy, I get that too.  It's not like I can't see it for God's sake.  But wait a minute.  My legs. My calves.  If I do say so myself, my calves are damn impressive.  No, commentator at the table couldn't see my legs behind the table, fair enough.  From his perspective, no, I likely did not look like a runner.  Fair enough.  I know what I am, I know what I'm not, and God knows I do know what I look like. 
Part of me, {maybe the hopeful, delusions, show off part of me?} likes to think that's why I might be good in the position I am in right now.  A mentor to other beginning runners.  I'm no better than any of them, I'll be the first to say that.  But I'd like to think that somewhere, somehow, there's someone who would like to start a walk/run program, but will shy away for the reason I always did: being overweight, being old. 
When I first started running school, the orientation was enough to make me want to puke.  I was quite confident I'd be the oldest and fattest one there.  Guess what? I wasn't.  Seeing one individual who was larger than me, a few my size and my age or older gave me the confidence to actually start. 
So I did. 
Since then, sure, I've likely been the biggest there was in a running school session, but to be honest, I've kinda stopped noticing.  So what?  Does it matter?
Nope.  I'm not going to let a body image, mine or someone else's,  determine what I'm going to do out there.  Some days I will rock it.  Other days, I'll bomb.  Likely neither one has to do with my size, shape or age.  I am what I am right now and nothing in my running mindset is going to change that.

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