I took yet another huge plunge and signed up for the Shamrock'n Half Marathon Training Program. Since I've been mentoring, I get the program for free. A big bonus and yet a potential problem for me. Of course, like everyone else, money is a bit of an 'issue' in our household. So not having to pay the fees is nice, yet it's often times the money issue that gets me motivated to do it. If I have money behind it, fear of wasting spent money is bad, so I forge on to get my money's worth. Not paid for? Nothing lost. That's dangerous thinking. But I want this. My goal is for March 17th, 2013 to run the Shamrock'n Half Marathon. Here goes nothing.
Now I've been getting these images of this nasty, yet adorable little leprechaun who is peering out of bushes waiting for me to run by, meanwhile laughing at me. " ah she thinks she runs a half, tee hee hee" as I go tripping over a blade of grass and having this leprechaun laugh and dance around me. I'll be race roadkill. Leprechauns do that kinda thing, don't they?
Now all these freaky, bizarre and downright stupid images I have, I haven't actually signed up for the race. Why?
Typical me. Fear. A different excuse everyday. We don't have the money. I don't have time. I don't want to run the actual race. I don't have anything to wear. It's selfish. What if I get hurt and waste the money? I might not be home the day of the race. It goes on an on. I know, fear just sucks.
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